Sometimes we get lucky and things just work out, but maybe in this case it was a combination of luck and persistance. I've blogged a few times about some fantastic online games and iPhone applications by
Big Fat Simulations, and recently I mentioned that they
might be working on an iPhone app for a game they made called
Will It Fly?I've been bugging them for a couple weeks to get some details about the project and I just scored. One of their programmers has kindly sent me a screenshot of the beta version of Will It Fly? I
really really really wanted a screenshot of the iPhone game in play, but I didn't expect to actually get it, especially before being released on the iTunes store.
Here's a shot of a cargo plane loaded-up trying to outclimb a mountain!From the shot above, it looks quite similar to the online game that keeps score and has challenges such as different wind directions and strengths, and the option to load as many passengers and as much baggage as you dare! Just watch out for mountains, volcanos, bridges and iPhone towers!
If they send this in to Apple soon we shouldn't have to wait too long for this iPhone game to be avaible. I plan to write an update when we find out more!