From the maker of Airport Madness and Airport Madness 2, Airport Madness Mobile was released yesterday on the iTunes store for your iPhone or iPod Touch device.
I won't sugar coat this next point, it isn't free but it is VERY GOOD!
"You land a million planes safely. Then you have one little midair collision and you never hear the end of it." Air Traffic Controller. New York TRACON

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to work the world's most stressful job? Well now is your chance to get a feel for it, and no-one will get hurt (just your thumbs)! Fantastic graphics and sound effects.

Once you've had a chance to master the busy daytime traffic, there are some other challenges thrown at you, like working the nightshift!
Air Traffic Controllers are only allowed 3 strikes and they're out... out of a job that is! Assuming you can make it this far, there is even bad weather to contend with, if you can handle the stress. The better you are at the game, the more your pay goes up. How much can you make?

Big Fat Simulations has plenty of experience making games for your PC, and now they've partnered with Fluik Entertainment to develop Airport Madness Mobile for your iPhone. The only question is, do you have the nerves of steel required to handle this iPhone game that Kicks Butt!