Friday, August 14, 2009

Expensive apps

There is no lack of free or cheap applications available for today's smart phones, the Android, Blackberry and iPhone. In fact, many of the apps that I've blogged about have been free or just 99 cents. What did surprise me is how expensive some of the apps can be.

The iTunes store has plenty of medical applications that run between $20 to $100. There are also some expensive apps for financial planning, mortgage calculations, banking, and programs a broker could use.

The most expensive iPhone app available at iTunes right now is called iRA Pro, which sells for $899.99. It's a mobile video surveillance command centre for your iPhone or iPod touch.

The second most expensive app, $449.99, is a financial management software program called MyAccounts ToGo. Next is an automotive repair software app for just $349.99 called PDR Quote.

At one time Apple's iTunes store carried an app called I Am Rich, which didn't do anything, except charge $999.99 for the little icon. This allowed rich (or stupid) people to show their friends they could blow a grand for an iPhone app that did nothing. Funny enough, the most expensive Google Android application ever is very similar, but for the bargain price of $200. You get a blue glowing diamond shaped image. I won't be buying it so I can't tell you much more about I Am Richer for the Android.

1 comment:

  1. Can i use the iphone application in IKEA so I won't get lost when my wife drags me there on Saturdays?
